elevator skit

elevator skit
Category:Skit - Cubscoutpack.com
Elevator to Bathrooms Skit - Boy Scouts.

Elevator to Bathrooms Skit for All scouts One scout at center stage. He is the elevator operator in a department store with 5 floors.
TMI 2008 - Skit about getting stuck in an elevator. Opportunity to share the Gospel. http://teenmentorshipinitiative.webs.com
Quite possibly the funniest skit I have ever seen! :-D Thanks BBC Scotland another brilliant program!
Category:Skit - Cubscoutpack.com DJ Katalog
The Skit Book: 101 Skits from Kids. Skit Ideas - Camping 'Stuck in the Elevator' Drama Skit.
Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos dens may be asked to present skits or demonstrations at the pack meeting. These can be pantomimes, sketches, or short plays.
elevator skit
Scots elevator skit_Burnistoun_2011.wmv.